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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Happy New Years

Oyaho-minna-san(or Konbanwa if this entry is posted later)! I just wanted to pop in and leave a REAL New Year post! I was so delighted for the new year, and to see this post from my home girl Sayako-chan.Photobucket

This entry contains a lot of pixels.Photobucket lol I will be doing that with my entries(well, try to).Photobucket So it can go along with the theme, you know? This new year post may also offend some, so proceed with caution...
I got off the phone an hour ago with my friend K. We were talking on Gmail and I wasn't inspecting her to ask if she could call me so late.Photobucket She told me that Oniichan sounded surprised when he picked up the phone. LOL!Photobucket What else is new? He gets phone calls this late, and picks up the phone without even letting it ring all the way! lolPhotobucket

I really enjoyed our conversation, as always.Photobucket I told her about something that has been on my mind for the past week; that when we travel to another state, I'd like to meet an Asian chick, who'll come down here and hold my hand, so these old *ss Black guys down here will leave me alone.Photobucket 

So to all you homophobic men out there, who are so called God fearing Christians with bastard children, here's what I think of your balderdash about the gay community! Damn, Hellraiser goes HARD! If that offended anyone, I'm sorry. It's how I feel. I'm tired of people looking down on me, like they're so perfect and want to condemn, criticize, accuse, and ridicule everything that I do. Expect to see me only associating with K and Paul down here, from now and on. If you(Louisiana residents only) attempt to talk to me, you'll be ignored...

K also told me that her sister has changed her style, she dresses like Ke$ha.Photobucket How freaking kakkoii is that?Photobucket I want to get into Harajuku, I'm still trying to contemplate how I'm going to pull this off, living in this garbage *ss state!Photobucket She told me that her sister too, deals with the idiotic, closed minded morons down here staring at her until she stopped caring and people would come up to her.Photobucket I asked K-chan, what her style was, she said momma. lolPhotobucket I told her that she could be a Gyaru-mama. She could pull it off, if she wanted to. As I've stated on my other blog, one of my main issues with people, concerning what I choose to wear, is that I'm not trying to dress to impress them. I don't care what they think of how I look, they have been complaining about my looks for the past twenty years of my life! Just like other races, who may not like what I wear, they don't exist to me. I really want to get into the Harajuku fashion, and having K's sister and K herself around, would give me more confidence, especially if they themselves, are interested in converting to this style as well! Photobucket
I also wanted to talk about this show yesterday, I came across this video on Youtube about a Japanese Rezubian TV drama. I couldn't believe it, because I didn't think they would make one like this. It's entitled ラブ・コレ 東京Love Collection and if you wish to watch it, click here. I'm not watching it because the other video I watched, gave me all the spoilers... So technically, I watched it. lol

I know that I show a lot of favoritism in my movie posts(or entire blog) to non-Black males and females. That's just how I am, been like this for years. I've always had a special thing for Asian women. You damn right, six years later, I'm still saying I'd prefer an ASIAN female! So... Get used to it! xDPhotobucket

So yep, I'd like to meet an Asian chick in person and hang out.Photobucket I haven't hung out with an Asian chick since 2002, when I met them off Asian Avenue(do you guys remember that website? lol). We don't talk anymore after a debacle with her older brother, which I'd like to forget about. I'd like her to be better than the ones I've met(excluding Sayako-chan); caring,Photobucket understanding, fun to be around,Photobucket open minded,Photobucket isn't a racist,Photobucket isn't White washed(act like White people can do no wrong),Photobucket isn't judgmental,Photobucket and will stay by me.Photobucket I prefer a gyaru type of chick, actually.PhotobucketPhotobucket I wanted to add in, that I will continue with the Li Bingbing fan fiction.Photobucket

I really look forward to us traveling and getting out of Louisiana for a while... I also told her that being down here is draining the life out of me. Every look and whisper makes me think there is something going on, that I don't know about. I call them Energy Vampires. I found out a minute ago, that a fight broke out at the Mall of Louisiana. smh

Anyway, I think I'm done sharing my thought for now. Oyasumi~