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I just returned from withdrawing some of this money from my pay card. I'm going to spend the rest of the money on the card on some more Gyaru and V-kei clothing.
Alright, so weeks ago, I was bored out of my mind, not sure what to buy because most of the clothing I saw, wasn't up to my liking. I went on Mbok for a GOLDS infinity dress. Couldn't find it. It wasn't til I went to Yahoo Auctions, to see that the dress I had been looking for, was the first thing I saw when I searched for it!
This dress was originally $66, but upon using this service(Buyee), with their fees and shipping, I only paid half price for it. It was a bargain I just couldn't pass up! It is a bit tight on me, I guess from now and on, only look for items in a size Large. Sh*t, I think I'm too big for even a large. lmao xD
This is not the only thing that came this week. I also bought some V-kei clothing from a chick in Washington. She sent me the wrong pants(I'm keeping them anyway) and she's sending me the right ones. So, I have three new V-kei clothing. lol The brand of these clothing are Gothic-Lolita-Punk(GLP if you're nasty). You can find them on Ebay from Chinese sellers.
I'm just going to keep doing what I do on here, btw, I'm happy to see that my views are increasing! I have been blogging on here for years, ~Lebron voice~ It's about damn time!
Take care everyone~