Konbanwa minna-san~ What's been going on with you all? As for me, new baby(great niece) and just got done finished watching Wrestlemania. My brother and I decided to kick back with some food; I had pizza and free cheese sticks from Pizza Hut and he made macaroni and cheese and barbecue sausage links. I am going to give a quick review, not in any particular order, of this pay per view.(*^▽^*)
Just a run down on my history with wrestling. I have been a fan of the WWE since the Attitude Era. I also enjoyed watching WCW. I've had crushes on the Rock, Rey Mysterio, The Undertaker, Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels. I've only been to one wrestling event, WCW Thunder. I still have the ticket too. I wanted to go to a WWE event too back then, but my dad said no. I'll never forgive him for it just like I've never forgotten or forgiven my ex best friend for being too lazy to go to Gonzalez for our makeover. We missed out on a chance of a lifetime!
Alright, here we go...
Hulk Hogan came out and was interrupted by Stone Cold Steve Austin. I had no clue he was going to be there but I was really happy! Then The Rock comes out and my body got so hot and h*rny! Mind you, it's a little chilly where I live and when he popped up on my screen, I was like oh my god... He looked soooo good y'all! I wished my girl Shana and I had headed down there to Crap Orleans and had our own match with The Rock. Shit, talk about a Triple Threat! xD You trying to get the pipe? OH HELL YEAH! This whole part gave me nostalgia about the times I was watching wrestling since 1997(or was it '99?). ~sighs~ I miss the good ole days...
The ending to the Real Americans, Usos, Rybaxel and Los Matadores was funny!
The Shield vs. The New Age Outlaws/Kane was short. The double body slam was nice. I'd let Roman Reigns body slam this p*ssy any time! xD
OMG Cesaro picking up the Big Show in the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal! I was like WOOOOW! ヽ(゚◇゚ )ノ Otousan told me that Swiss people are really strong! I follow Mister Cesaro on Twitter btw(I follow all of the European wrestlers on there). xD I hope that he gets a title shot soon.
I don't really have much to say about the Cena Vs. Bray Wyatt match. It was predictable from the start. What was that weird *ss dance in the beginning? Kinda voodoo-ish...
Daniel Bryan Vs. Triple H. match was OK.
But the most emotional match was The Undertaker Vs. Brock Lesnar. We were all left speechless after seeing that Brock had broken the streak. I have a feeling that The Undertake is about to retire. It had been a good run for him and I will always remember him as the guy I fell in love with, even though he was a grown *ss man! lol Everyone was like what??? I kinda had a thing for Gothic dudes(after all, I was in love with Brandon Lee who played a Goth in The Crow). I couldn't even make a coherent sentence after what just had happened. No one saw this coming. Damn...
No comment on the divas match. :/ It was such a random match after what had happened with the last match.
I enjoyed the main event of Randy Orton, Batista and Daniel Bryan! I admire Daniel's heart, he wasn't giving up! I thought his ass was done after being RKO-bombed through the announcer's table. I liked how he took Stephanie's *ss out too when he jumped through the ropes! Women don't get hurt enough in the ring by men like they used to. Triple H took a sledge hammer to the face. LOL!! Otousan said that Batista doesn't look the same and looked more intimidating before he left. Does he have a point?
Even though I hate the people down there, I enjoyed seeing all the different nationalities(even saw some Brits!) there to come to this event. I sure do miss JR's commentary. Some people were speculating that Brock winning the match is the reason why CM Punk left. Was this a legit reason? Do you think the streak should have been ended by Triple H or Shawn Michaels? It's Louisiana, everybody loses down here. Oh yeah, and the person who booed and said The Undertaker sucks in the crowd was probably some nawlins trash! Like I've said, I enjoyed seeing Brits coming down here. I just wish I could meet them up here! Anyways... Let me know your thoughts below~