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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tanjobi Omedettou Chibi-chan👶

Ni-hao minna-san and welcome to a special blog entry for my little Chibi-chan!
So today(4/18) I had to go to Baton Rouge to attend Chibi-chan's birthday party. I had freshly washed hair with Suave Professionals Natural Infusion Awapuhi Ginger & Honeysuckle Shampoo+Conditioner+Leave In Conditioner sample I received in the mail last year. We had to go to a complete stranger's house, who is related to her mom's. First we got lost because we don't live in Baton Rouge nor are we really familiar with the place...
I saw that my nephew's friends were outside because they are barbecuing the food, and like I said on Twitter: NO MA'AM! NO MAS!
Selfie(I hate this word) bitches!
Anyway, I don't have much to write because I didn't care for this party. I didn't know any of the people there. My nephew's dad and his grandfather was there, along with his step siblings. We've been away from Mei too long that she barely came up to me. I took these photos with her. I've missed her so much. :[
Don't mind my Harajuku loud makeup! lol I had no foundation on my face as I was in a rush to get over to this strange place to see her. I bought her this for her birthday.
Kawaii ne?? I can't wait to see her in this! My nephew told me 'they'll think she's Chinese for sure.' LOL

This is a video of her with her mom blowing out the candles. She tried to touch the flame! o___0 If you're wondering why this video is on unlisted, is because I don't want that idiot who called me 'flip flopping' to look at my family!
The above image is of her eating a cupcake. lol
So on our way out, she wanted to say goodbye. :[

I hate to be vulgar but there was this light skinned chick who came in. Her mother is either light skinned or Creole. I looked at the family photos and it looks like her mum was probably married to a White dude. I have to say that chick got a nice body. Made me want to exercise more. I wish I could go running but since I'm surrounded by a bunch of pervs and have no one to exercise with, I'm reduced to exercising in my small home.

4/20 They came over tonight. Chibi was asleep and her mom placed her in my room. She cried a bit because she had diarrhea and was sleepy. They stayed over for two hours and my dad got to see her. She blew kisses at my older brother. lol. She is too kawaii! I'm going to miss her...
This is all. I don't like going to other people's houses anymore like I used to. I'm a reflection of my parents, don't like parties and shit. I'm not a people person and I really don't like meeting new people like I used to years ago. It's like, what's the use? Time to move on. I have more projects to be done so it's back to business for the Fabulous One...