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Friday, February 14, 2020

My Experience Working For M1ch@3ls

Related image
Although the image I am using may be triggering but I couldn't think of anyone else to describe what type of environment this is.

Yes folks, this is another ether post. In my typical fashion, this post will be all over the place because I have a lot to say and wanted to get this out here asap. And this post will be LONG! So I suggest you grab some hot tea, your martinis and get ready to clutch your pearls! Because you're in for a shock at what you're about to read....

Click here to continue reading about my experience at M1chaels Black Arts & Cults... ~Names and location have been omitted for privacy reasons. I don't want anyone contacting to troll or harass any of the employees of this business~

Also before you continue, keep in mind that this blog is copyrighted. Incase anyone wants to be cute and screen shot like the last person will be dealing with legal issues. Capiche? 


I am only speaking about one location. I can't speak for others, but if you do, and care to share your experience, feel free below~ 

This post was originally posted in January, hence why the font colors are what I call New Year blue. lol

1/3 I was told to report to the office. A very familiar place that was reminiscent of my first job; my first firing. So I go into the office and the assistant manager tells me that she hates to be the one to tell people this. That they don't keep seasonal cashiers. And that this was my last day. Oh, she wasn't done... 'But we did like you here.' Yes, you heard her correctly. Like. Did. Did and Like are verbs and adverbs. Y'all actually liked me here?? Not to mention this was the longest time she's ever spent with me since being hired as she acted like she was disgusted by the mere sight of me. I was too tickled on the inside that I couldn't utter a word to her. Just walked out. I sensed it in the atmosphere that they weren't going to keep me. None of them spoke to me with the exception of two people. I wouldn't be surprised on my way out, she told them through the radio headsets not say anything to me as I was leaving. Like I said, this reminds me of my first firing. How distant people treated me. And I mean, COLD!🥶🥶 You could freeze popsicles in this store! That's how cold it was for me. I suffer from PTSD, anxiety and depression. This place made me feel worst.😢

Here's how the job started to where we are today. I am going to talk about how much I was liked here.

One day on Oct. 14th, I was chilling in the dark in my room when I received a phone call out of the blue from some chick(later I found out was the assistant manager). She told me that she had received my application to work for M1chaels. She did not specify what type of position this was, only set up an interview. When I go there, it wasn't until after I accepted the job to find out that it was seasonal. She also did not tell me it was a PART time position! If she had told me at first, I would have declined the job but considering I hadn't worked in years and really needed a job. Not to mention during the interview, she appeared star struck by me. A little too giddy(which was probably fake).

History for those who are new here. My last job was back in 2013, and it was fast food. I left on bad terms with them as I was bullied severely by the women and teenagers who worked there to the point where I had a mental break down. It took me a while to get through what happened, looking back, I am still disgusted with what transpired and how I snapped off at everyone around me, because I felt like I couldn't trust anyone anymore. I've been to interviews, was promised employment. Only to be left with nothing... All through those years, I've cried and hoped someone would give me a chance. It was practically killing me to not work. I was legit struggling to find work! I don't think anyone understands...

So I'm getting on the register for the first time and they paired me with a seventeen year old kid. I say this because I have seventeen years on this kid. She was quite annoying because I think she got some type of tourette or a tic where she makes this noise with her nose. When I missed up, you know, because I haven't cashiered in six years and I'm not a spring chicken, she angrily turns my light off and tells me to watch her in a condescending tone. That angered me. I was having second thoughts then about working here. I realized that I was surrounded by a bunch of folks younger than me(including the assistant manager). These young girls have issues, and appear immature. I have hair on my cat and have no time to lower myself by dealing combative brats! Here I was working at a strange company in a strange city around people I didn't know. I felt so alone.

↓Single Black Females↓

What was suppose to be teamwork(as I was told) turned into a big competition ring. What was laughable about them, was that ever since I began working here, the BW who normally didn't wear makeup, all of a sudden started wearing makeup after all of the attention I have been receiving from the customers. The assistant manager had on faded red lipstick and another sale associate had on some Rocky Horror Show exaggerated eye makeup. Another sales associate changed her weave to an identical color and curl pattern to mine. Also the assistant manager started wearing a black gommet belt just like mine! Had the same sweet tea that I drink. Even the older Black manager started wearing a black/purple wig that was SIMILAR to mine! And I'm like no matter how much you change your appearance, people just don't think you're cute, no matter much you ask a customer 'what about me' whenever I get complimented. 🙄

Then that same assistant manager got snappy with me because I wanted her to cut it out with the profanity. She fires back over the radio and to the person who has a problem with me cussing, can turn their radio off on me. This is a place of business, leave that ghetto ratchet crap at home! Then again with her real name, I am surprised she was even a damn assistant, let along a manager. Her name screams ghetto, masculine and ignorant. HTF did she get to be a manager with that name?!! My natural hair kept me from certain jobs but her name and her position? As someone who is trying to level up and cut back on profanity, I felt like she was being unattractive. Sheesh, grow up...

They also had a problem with me being feminine. 'You're such a girly girl.' One associate who looked like Sammy Davis Jr. looked at me crazy and went behind my back to tell one of the managers that she had a problem with the way I speak. Meanwhile she talks with a fake valley girl accent. When I asked her if she was OK one time, she caught an attitude. Sorry, the Mammy(the assistant manager) wasn't going to allow you to skip anymore work. So yeah... I talk too low. But if I speak in my normal voice, it comes off as masculine and country. I've learned from them, as well as the customers(they were no better with that huh, what, excuse me, pardon me) that a woman like me can't be feminine around them. They hated the sound of my voice. I was often ignored on the radio to the point where I wouldn't bother getting a radio. Perhaps if they had properly trained me instead of teaming me with a teenager, I wouldn't have had to call you guys so much! One of the managers even talked down to me at the register 'sometimes you struggle with the scanner, it's hands free.' Hmm... Perhaps it's because I've never used one before? Or maybe it was because your store's scanners could use an upgrade, how's that, troglodyte?

Also with the folks who work here, the managers were the most horrible to me. I think the others didn't respect me because the assistant manager didn't. I've talked about her in the previous blog post about how off and on she was with me. To the point where I internalized her abuse and got a s*xual arousal off of it. No I wasn't interested in s*x with this person to keep my job(hell no). It was the holidays, I was lonely, depressed and the vibe she gave off, made me believe she wanted it like I did. It was like; you're mad at me, I'm mad at you, lets settle this by screwing and moving on with our lives. There was a White manager who worked in the framing department. I think I remember her from a long time ago(keep it mind, I don't shop at M1chaels, I get my arts and crafts from Walmart) when she came to the front from the framing department because a customer left her bag and I told her what she looked like. Yeah, I remember that thing... One time she caught me being emotional in the break room and didn't bother to ask me if I was OK. This was another problem I had with management. Every time I was upset, they'd leave me alone, wouldn't say anything. There were times, where I'd be in the break room and she would stand outside of it, eating chips all loud. Or if I'm in there, she'd leave. With the way I was being treated, I saw the writing on the wall right then and there. I also got a homophobic vibe from her. I guess she assumed because I was being friendly with the other manager, I'd do the same with her. Get real! I have never dated a White woman in my life and never will! There was a lot of favoritism going on. That same assistant manager did not bother to get to know me. There were times where I would ask her questions and receive mundane answers. She wasn't that friendly person I met when I was first interviewed. It was like she had hit a complete one eighty on me. Like it was a ploy to lure me in to get hired and then flip on me. Keep in mind, she lied at first and didn't tell me what type of job this was until I agreed to work here. She was being all chummy with the others but when it came to me, I was practically invisible and treated like a non-factor. They were all just cold towards me. Some of the cashiers would call in not wanting to work. But me, I showed up. Always showed up. Even covered for one of the chirren who had to take care of some personal business. When these people called me, I came to work. When that assistant manager called me, I came to her beckon call(read more below)! Even when I didn't feel like going, and there were times where I wanted to go home because I got sick(the energy here was extremely toxic, and it didn't help that they kept playing those same Christmas songs over and over like a ritual as if to hypnotize me) but I didn't. Never asked for days off, working through pmsing and depression was difficult. I kept going. But did I get the respect I deserved? Nope... One of their ex employees did check out by me and warned me.

The thing is that the majority of the bougie people who shop here act like peasants. I'll never understand or respect someone bullying and belittling people in low wage jobs. You would think with all of these videos of people getting beaten with pipes, getting body slammed and having blenders tossed at them, that it would strike some fear into those customers who think they can step to someone who has nothing to lose. These jobs don't pay you enough to keep your hands off people. I have issues with people all of the time down here, but you know what I do? I get their names and put their behinds on blast, you know, go to CORPORATE! Like one Black lady who asked for the store manager when she alleged that the White male manager was prejudice(you Negroes make me sick with this damn word, just say RACIST and be through with it!). I don't know if he is or not because he bought me candy. You don't raise hell in a low waged job like a spoiled brat(this isn't directed at that lady)! If you're too good for places like that, do like I do, purchase your arts and crafts ONLINE. I haven't shopped at M1chaels in almost ten years! I been stopped shopping here.

A lot of customers were judgemental, the few nice ones don't make up for the ones who felt like they had to degrade your intelligence. I am new here so don't expect me to know every damn thing and also this isn't Party City! I have came across a lot of dumb customers who have the nerve to act like I'm the dumb one. That's hilarious! Please get help! I should have been shocked at how racist and classist the Black customers were but I think back on childhood to now. Instead of discussing crap we don't need, when will Black people address the verbal abuse? It is a serious problem with them, to the point where it leads them to their graves. I was expecting it from non-Black people. The whole time I was there, I was afraid something was going to jump off because of their entitlement and threatening nature. I've been called girl several times, sweetie and kid. Like what century are these people living in? They age so bad they don't know they're talking to a thirty-four year old... Guys giving me their numbers, wtf? I ain't calling none of you bums! As some of you have read in one of the previous blog posts, I was questioning if I was still attracted to men after the rude and condescending personalities they brought to my register. One White guy plucked a roach off my register. I'm like why the f*ck are y'all so nasty?? One Black guy refused to take the bag from me because I had glitter all over my hands. He claims glitter is effeminate(I'm not going to write what I want to write on here). Some of the greatest musicians of all time, were covered in glitter(Michael Jackson, Prince). A guy wouldn't be near me uttering such homophobic crap out of their disgusting mouths! If it wasn't for watching Gh0st @dv3ntur3s, I would have been through with them. Guys here are trash!

I've grown to detest people the more I was here. I was already antisocial from years of betrayal and abuse. I got tired of seeing wrinkles and bad skin acting like I was beneath them. As you guys know, I am very high maintenance and if my skin doesn't look good, I put makeup on or do my routines to fix signs of aging. Not to mention, I have allergy flare ups from people spitting on my face from talking and coughing. Just total disrespect. Some of these folks didn't care how they presented themselves but have the nerve to talk about you. It's an age and looks problem these folks have. They are so entitled. I've had folks question my education but one things for sure, is that I know how to freaking READ! Coupons have exclusions on them, which is why you should always read the fine print! Not raise hell in a damn arts and crafts store(especially since Hobby Lobby and JoAnn's sell the SAME products!) because your poorly educated behinds have reading comprehension issues!

Here's some tea I am about to spill. You guys know about that whole competition thing I mentioned? Well I found out after I got an hour cut thanks to the assistant manager who hired me that if you don't make a certain amount of rewards sign ups, they will cut your hours. On Oct. 21st, the assistant manager calls to tell me she's going to cut an hour from me. She gave no explanation. I hung up on her arse. I guess so with the poor training, you would! That's right, I said it. You can Google this for confirmation. Also that whole rewards thing is crap. All they do is send you emails and sometimes, when you bring up the coupons, it won't even take off your discounts. Like one mole told me, they want us to lie to these people. Which is true. THIS PROGRAM ONLY BENEFITS EMPLOYEES, MILITARY, TEACHERS AND SENIORS! M1chaels is a very outdated store. This one didn't have electric automated doors, they have no metal detectors, and no security. And with no security and a busy paced environment, will lead to thefts. So far, as I said on my Facebook page, there have been quite a few Blacks(and Whites) stealing out of this store(someone was watching me tried to push an entire buggy out of the store-some BW took bags of stuff out of the store-This one BM was a big thief at the store with a punctured i.d. They called the police on him and it was looking like swatting.). Without naming the city this place is located, this city is extremely poor. Lots of homeless people, high crime and police brutalities. I didn't even want to work in this city and hated being stuck at this job at night cleaning because anybody could pop up, rob us or murder our relatives waiting on us. Back to the rewards, it's a scam like I said. They just need people to sign up for their outdated algorithm at the expense of you. The pay is meh. Like I said in the video, airline cash. I only received a couple of raises when I sold those expensive scotch tapes that you can get for a freaking dollar at Dollar Tree. And that was $0.25 a pop. Shame on them! And they will make you clean up. Even though they have janitors, YOU have to clean up. One time, I had an anxiety attack but they didn't care, the older manager went to talk about me to the other associates about it. You basically make the janitor's jobs easier and based off what I've seen, all they do is walk around in the morning. Me? Clean? My behind yes but I have mysophobia. Come on... This store looks so dusty, I asked myself did I want to work here or break out into a Thriller dance. 
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-Oh Mike, my love I am sorry for posting your image on here you were a wonderful person. Unlike this disgrace for a business.-

You think I wanted to get my hundred dollars Ma*rs clothes and forty bucks Ma*rs accessories dirty or damaged doing janitorial work? I don't think so(I had no choice)! And guess what? My Ma*rs ring did get damaged, and so did one of my shirts...😢

I didn't like the way they handled the situation with the BW collapsing in the parking lot. The managers ghosted her. You could hear a rat p*ssing on cotton. That's how shook they were. They wouldn't even come out of the office. Yes, they ~in Jackie Chan's voice~ were HIDING! The lady kept wanting my help and I couldn't help her. I felt helpless. It was so much they could have done for this lady, comfort her or something. She wasn't the only one, another Black lady, an elderly one collapsed in the store also.

I've also experienced colorism from the customers. I have been the most disrespected cashier here. Other than being treated like an outsider by the other workers, these entitled customers were no better. As long as I've been here, I've never seen customers raise their voices or down right threaten the mixed race women at my job. But oh, and then there's me. I took the brunt of the abuse from the customers that as soon as I clocked out, I was clocked out. I couldn't take it anymore. I did a video on that BW who was raising hell because I couldn't answer her question because I was off the clock. All of the compliments I got from customers(with the exception to the little girls) meant nothing to me when someone standing behind them is ready to go off on me for no reason. Whenever I am working with someone mixed race, those customers will jump out of my line and go to them. However, if they took too long, that's when they'll hop back into my line. We've discussed here before that Louisiana has a hierarchy when it comes to skin tones. One dark skinned guy I was working with was being berated like crazy by this old White woman. Even the other customers felt bad for him. Over a goddamn free Santa! I wouldn't sit down to drink a cup of tea or have a martini with any of the people who shop at this store.

This place was in fact a cult to me. Behind those smiles, was something sinister. There was gaslighting going on, concerning the abuse I took. Like I was just imagining things I got tired of them defending the job. I remember them saying we are a family. Well, my real family treat me better than they did and everyone knows I am not in good terms with my family. Hell, I have no family! If this is family, then, let me hop off a bridge(which I did become suicidal since working here as well) and end it all. You and the others can have this job, pudding!

On my last day, I was told by the Black manager that we normally don't allow anyone to wear scarves. OK so if you suffer from alepecia, disease or certain religious beliefs, you might want to reconsider this place for employment. I told her it's for medical reason and she didn't care.You've got to me kidding me.

I wanted to add in that one of the seasonal girls wasn't scheduled for the following week. I was surprised because she was horrible to me and kissed their *sses at the behest of me. I worked just as hard as she did but I bet they didn't give her a warning she was going to be gone at the beginning of January. This place was very cut throat and for what? A measly nine dollars and twenty-five cents an hour for three-four days a week, from a business that doesn't give a damn about neither you or me! But two other women were on schedule. Both who would constantly skip work. One would sign in and leave. The other would constantly call in to not work. There was another chick but I don't think I've ever met her. I seen one BW who stormed in, headed to the office and left. I wondered if she was that cashier who was on schedule but never worked? But I was the one they let go... I was also the only cashier who received a recognition certificate for customer service. Screw y'all because no one is running up to any of you telling you how beautiful you are or saying they want to stand next to you. I don't give kids compliments(aww she's so beautiful!!!), they give ME compliments!

I have to say that I am going to miss working with the small few who did like me here. One of them told me it was fun working with me. I liked the young lady with the glasses(sometimes she takes them off). It's very reminiscent of my first two jobs where I got along with the guys but not the females. I am going to miss the lady in the morning who I didn't really get to know, who put my name on the locker despite me leaving the following month. Whenever I showed up on the scene, the guys are happy to see me. The females tolerated me and would talk about me behind my back. This Black female manager would always write me up over the littlest crap when all she could have done was explain it to me without putting my job in jeopardy. She really had it out for me, no matter how much I respected her... I thought it was rude at times where she overstepped her boundaries. First of all, you are my manager, not my mother! My mother and my father are older than you. My mother is in a field where she makes more money than you! I don't need no one to remind me about life like I'm some dumb *ss like the other youngsters who work there. Save that belittling talk for them. You know nothing of me! As for the rest, I wish them nothing but the best.

One of the last things she told me was 'you can come back next seasonal.' If you guys could have read my mind, a sailor would blush. I wanted to stay here, even told one of the managers I wanted to stay. But did they keep me? Nope. Oh and don't think I forgot about the White women in the framing department making fun of my Southern 'monotone' voice. They talked about the other White chick who was in their department but ole girl was pretty nice. Even my mother would spot her car in the parking lot. I never saw her since December.  They smiled all up in this girl's face(just like they did with me) but they showed contempt for her. These chicks were super catty. I told y'all, they are childish... Another manager who I thought was OK until I realized she's one of those chicks who's cool with people who are attracted to men and not into women who like women. She was disrespectful at times and I do have eleven years on her. I recall her referring to me as 'ancient' because I brought up how we used to play the Atari. I could write an entire rant on how immature this little girl is but why bother? I will say this. It's ancient folks like us who were playing video games being called nerds for it way before you were a blob of cream cheese in your Dad's nut sack. You wasn't even born when the first Street Fighter came out. I concur with Creole Bella about me waving off interactions with White women because of how disrespectful they are towards BW. I keep things strictly business with them as many aren't mature enough to have a conversation with someone of my caliber. And also with that same assistant, don't think I didn't know what those grunts and sighs you doing around me really mean. Ole why do you hit me, why do you punch me, because I have to *ss! 

Edward Grey

Anybody who knows me or has grown up with me, will know that I tend to fall easily for someone. And it's always the most random person.  I think it sparks from childhood trauma, which has drawn me to people who abuse me ie. the assistant manager. What I mean by abuse, I'm talking about mental abuse, not physical. I had a dream about her on Nov. 21st of us holding hands. I never intended on this to happened, because I HATED HER! Could not stand her! But her bi polar personality drew me in, her standing behind me(all I wanted to do was turn around and hug her) and how I felt like I was her primary focus(which we later find out when I lost the job). Then I came to the realization that despite me being friendly with everyone else, she was the the main challenge I wanted to compete for. She made me feel special, she had faith in me. I wanted to do anything and everything for her. I thought her abuse was normal and that perhaps deep down inside, she was curious about me too. It didn't help that she was busty and every time she bent over, her cheeks were out. As I've said above, she is extremely masculine, not just by appearance but her energy. Think about the film Sh0wg1rls(my favorite movie btw) It's basically me and her!
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 Her throwing the first jab at me with innuendo, one time she lifted up her shirt at me and another associate (btw she does have a man)
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My feelings every time she abused me.
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What I wanted(to be kissed on my other lips)...

 And in the end, I lost everything. Including this job...

Before anyone complains, she didn't care. I used to grope on her and she enjoyed it. In fact, that was the only time, I could get her to SMILE, you practically had to scrape her chin off the ground for how big that smile was (don't do it...Smile b, smile b, come on!). Keep this in mind; she doesn't like me and she's straight. What woman of either two, would allow a Queer woman to 'feel' on her? She's a manager, she could have said no or stop. But she didn't. Why? Oh, there's more... One time she tapped me on my *ss. Another time, she was bumping me with the cash drawer saying 'I am going to keep doing that until you move.' I told her I like that. She said I bet you do. I used to bond my hands together in the break room because I couldn't stop fantasizing about her doing that to me. I wanted to go to the office with her, drop to me knees, take her belt and wrap it around my arms and tell her I want you to do this me. Slightly off topic but a bit relevant concerning her. I recall on my last job, there was this tough super stud BW who was similar to this chick. One time, she caught me staring at her(it wasn't intentional, I have a staring problem) and she turned into a damn marshmallow with the biggest grin on her face. I was like WTF? It's too damn easy to break these women. Any man(and don't let it be a White boy) can come up and these women turn into candle wax. I learned last year not to be impressed by these regular White men. I am all about the elite only. These women have these austere facades to foreshadow their marshmallowism. smdh There were times where she came off like she was jealous of me interacting with or looking at other women. I know folks will get out of it that I'm upset that I didn't get laid, don't make me laugh. As I've mentioned in the previous post, during the holidays, is when I become the most loneliest and tend to cling on to anyone. But once the holidays are over, all of those feelings tend to go away and I'm like wtf was I thinking... These were just thoughts. She started all of this, I caved in due to the time of the year.

I've read somewhere that I may just be attracted to power(uhhh you think? Why you think I only prefer successful elite White men?) and that if I saw her anywhere else, I wouldn't have looked her way. And they're right because my preference is and will always be Asian and Hapa women as I do not like BW romantically. It was just a s*xual attraction.

Edit- I came in to add that one of the employees from this place actually tried to blackmail me. This was someone who posed as a friend, someone I confided in while others hated my guts. I trusted this person enough to contact me on my private social media. She was losing the debate to me so she decided to do something illegal which was take screen shots of my blog. It's one thing if she wrote what I said back to me, then sure, we can debate but you taking illegal screen shots is a big no no. Not to mention it's an invasion of privacy. I consider that a threat to my livelihood. This is my blog, I can talk about whatever I want. I use this blog to VENT(please look up the definition before you run your mouth). I put in my disclaimer, which I think she failed to read not to take everything I write on here seriously. She showed me one screen shot but who knows what else she stole from here. I was following her before she kicked me off so it's a possibility she reshared this. She wanted to know where I'm going for my next job which I didn't tell her because she's not going to jeopardize this job for me. Insinuating that I'm Ted Bundy in disguise. I am a horror/occultist writer! I tend to manifest my bizarreness through my stories, and, yes, even my blog. Yes folks, I have corpses under my bed and I shoved someone into the river.(sarcasm for dummies) What are they going to do, ban me from the store? I don't shop there! Give me a break! She was complaining about the whole 'bulldog' comments(which the guy probably learned that insult from his BLACK MOTHER and me threatening to slit someone's throat. As if I'm the only person who wanted to harm someone for threatening their lives. Sounds like fan fiction to me considering I am not one to hurt anyone physically(spiritually yes). James Charles, Lime Crime as well as Jeffree Star have been proven to be straight up racists(oh wait wait wait, for the Southern Blacks, prejudice🙄). Yet they still have millions of followers and make millions of dollars. How do you know the owners of M1chaels aren't racist? Like get over your feelings, mate. Quality over feelings.

Let me add this in and I know this will cause people to lose sympathy for me, which is fine... But BW are bullies. If you are a Black woman and your cashier, customer service operator, teller or any occupation they sadly acquire, what's the first thing you notice about BW? They are standoffish. Always in a foul mood. Walk pass any Black woman, and if you are remotely attractive, she's going to dissect you like a frog and find a reason to hate you. They will even go toe to toe with you. These women get in these positions and very often, they will treat you like rubbish for no reason, other than you being Black and an easier target than Whites. You report them and nothing happens, usually because whoever hired them is afraid to fire them out of fear they'll turn to the internet and accuse them of being racists. I am not surprised by this young lady turning on me, I wrote this message four years ago for why I keep my circle of friends small: I am not under the illusion that you may like me and I inspire you. I've learned early on in my life, that the people who I ride for the most, if I were to fail, that it would be by them. I am not blind by the fact that you may love me, that all it would take is for one mistake, one bad judgement, someone trying to expose me, someone says something about me〖you know, someone calling me a flip flopper for having an open preference〗that will cause you to question my message, will turn on me so fast my head would spin. I know this and I have prepared myself. No one warned me, it took me experiencing the two faced, fair weather-ness to put me in the position that I am in today〖neutral〗. I know that from the few people who have supported me, will be the first to take me out(Edit- Not my true supporters). I am not fooled by the pedestal folks put me on, that if I say something they don't like, then all a sudden, you'll tell the next b*tch not to f*ck with me〖Something I have to deal with out in public, with folks talking-warning others- about me.〗. What I won't be, is someone's entertainment and a example of who not to be, while smiling in my face! I am not naive, every person who comes my way, I know not to attach myself to them. I just know that when my time always comes, I am always by myself. And all of those people will be no where to be found. Oh I know what they'll do, they'll pop up calling me evil and telling everyone to stay away from me. A man〖especially a Black man〗can do you dirty, cheat on you, you'll turn around and forgive him〖in some cases reward him with a ring and your wombs〗. But a Black woman has a differ experience than you, is fallible, you don't give her the benefit of the doubt. So don't get it twisted, when I see you being two faced with someone else, that I am not watching out for my own *ss. These are not opinions, these are facts. I have been bullied all of my life by BW, have gotten threatened a lot by them(even at this job). I'm not about to allow some weirdo chick who hasn't been through half of the crap I've taken all of my life, dictate to me how I should react to women who have given me grief my entire life to the point where I don't have anything to do with them at all! Get a life, kid!
Image result for house of cards slit throat gif"
Yeah trip over someone's life being threatened with a threat, brehs...
Oh and I hadn't forgotten about her talking about me to other sales associate. I'm such a forgiving person aren't I? Well, never again and glad she kept blocking me over, over, over and over(yeah this person is a weirdo). She has a problem with the bulldog comment yet she doesn't even have anything to do with Black people. What a joke. I can see why I've never dated a Black woman. A lot of you are batsht crazy and out of your fcking minds(example above-her).

Chotto matte yo~(wait a minute) I forgot someone.The store manager! I didn't write anything about her because there was nothing bad I have to report on her. She had her agenda, which she announced over the radio: rewards, rewards, rewards! I barely saw her. She would speak when she felt like it. She was helpful when she wanted to. Other than that, I had no problem working under her leadership. Part of me felt like the assistant manager took the brunt of my anger with my termination(and rightly so). The S.M. was meh.

I hated that things didn't work out for me as I was looking forward to something permanent in the beginning but I could tell by how territorial these people are, that I was just an expendable asset here to fill in for the holidays with their preschool workers. I worked my butt off, took a lot of abuse from them as well as the customers. I literally bled, sweated and teared for this job. I bled on t-shirts from being cut, sweated when it got too hot/anxiety attacks and teared prior to getting the job because I thought they weren't going to hire me. I was an inconvenience to them as I felt like I was too old and slow for them. Now I have to look at these disgusting battle scars on my hands and arms from my sacrifice. I hope whoever is reading this will think twice about working here. There were times where applicants would call and I felt like I wanted to tell them to think twice. Apply at your own risk. You are not going to get full time work nor benefits. Those accolades are only for management. It's not worth your sanity dealing with bad built average looking females with mental issues. Get a job at high scale restaurants or a bank because at least if you're treated like rubbish, you get paid more. Like they say in the 'swirl' community; go where you are appreciated, not tolerated. This job broke my heart that I had to share with you all about it. My biggest mistake was allowing blind lust and snake tongues to cloud reality. Now I have to move on. I thought I had friends here(I never learn). Nothing but spies, I wouldn't be surprised they're the reason I was let go. The lady I go to for the job thing told me it was best I didn't say anything to the manager as to not burn any bridges. Those bridges were burned when they had me working on the day I got paid instead of just giving me the check for the days I've worked. I worked an extra day and had to go back up there for crumbs. Those bridges aren't burned, they are obliterated!💥

I also appreciate the customers who I adored and had my back. The kids who complimented me and shook my hand. One customer asked me if I was the manager and I said no. She said they're taking advantage of you. This didn't dawn on me until NOW! I was too reliable! Because looking back at everything that transpired, I WAS taken advantage of! When I received emails stating that my password was going to expire, I sensed that my time being employed was as well. The Loki looking manager told me not to worry about it, her password been expired. Lies... One customer asked me how I was doing and I told her that I got insulted by a customer. She said sorry but whoever said that, something ten times will happen to them. Another customer said if they don't give me some help, she's never shopping here again. When I and the kid were backed up, one of the female customers asked for a manager and told him 'if you don't get these poor girls some help, I'm not shopping here anymore.' I appreciated one customer talking to my Mom in the parking lot despite me being late to come out. They had switched my schedule and I hated leaving my elderly mother out there by herself knowing her bad that city is. One customer who had cancer told me 'I love you.' And the one White lady who seemed to think the world of me when she said 'if she doesn't like you, she doesn't deserve you and it's her lost.' I won't be able to see the projects from women who were eager to show me the next time they come back. Also a sad point is, I'll never see my old friend from high school who promised to come back to see me... I hadn't seen her in a decade and for the first time since forever, she's gone(again). I know that at the end of the day , I was only hired because of my esthetics. So what if one of the moles who works there tells me I'm a good girl who follows all of the rules. Following rules here didn't make a difference as I was let go with a fake ego boost of 'we liked you.'

25th About my last check... I hadn't heard back from these cult members in weeks. I decided to call their number and this person gave me two different numbers. After the phone call, I just emailed human resources. I've noticed that while talking to their live chat, even their robots are cold... I called one of the numbers and it sounded like Latino accents. I mean I know it's stationed in Texas but damn. 

So their HR got back to me on the 27th to let me know that the check is indeed at the store and that I had to call them. I called H.R. back to tell them that they were suppose to call me. He said he understood how I was feeling but he sincerely told me to call them. And I did. The head cult leader, I mean, the store manager told me that the check been there. I'll be damned. I told her no one called me. See how much they liked me here? You liked me so much that you held my check hostage for almost a month, and didn't bother to call me about it. These people are evil...

On the 31st, I finally went to go get my check. Just like I said in my video, is that the atmosphere feels different since I've left. Once again, they have ONE cashier and the business was packed! They are going to miss having my reliable behind there. No wonder Satan aka assistant manager was smiling and giving me a compliment like we cool.🤨

Here are some reviews I've gotten online from former and current employees:

⛤The job itself isn't terrible, but there's more bad than there is good. If the coworkers and managers don't like you, they gossip and make sure you get no hours. They expect you to know everything right away and get annoyed when asking for help. They talk bad about customers, too. The pay is NOT worth the amount of stress you get. If you're hired, it will mostly be for register and they blame you for anything that goes wrong. You're expected to do everything when closing (bathrooms, sweep front, vacuum, restock registers, take trash out), and if you don't do it within 30 minutes, you're scolded. Not to mention, they're all middle-aged women. If you need time off, they act like it's the end of the world and guilt you. They secretly planned on firing all seasonal associates -- and no one was told they were seasonal. AVOID if you want to keep your sanity.

⛤They will promise to work around schedules but don’t. No one was trained for my store, so they just threw people wherever and they don’t seem to care. Was told they didn’t want to train, and wanted everyone to learn “hands on,” which doesn’t sound as bad as it is. They’ll tell you to do something and you haven’t the slightest clue where to begin or what to do, and no one else knows either so good luck to you! It doesn’t seem like they care about their employees because they’re making people feel flustered in the workplace, and customers feel like all the employees are ignorant because we can’t and don’t know how to help or where every little thing is or if we even have it. We are having to ask managers how to do/find/assist with basic things and it gets to be redundant. They opened too early just to “meet deadline” and didn’t care who got inconvenienced along the way.

They lie at orientation to lure you in, you can do no right unless you are a suck up, they dont appreciate what you do and always point out the bad. Current employees are rude and management are nasty. They overwork you with a "5 min" break. Because by the time you get to the breakroom the 20 min is over! They watch you like a hawk and expect you to actually work! Ha I laugh at you! Pitiful place to work! Good riddance!! 

⛤Unrealistic expectations with little to no payroll and store management had to do it all. Associates run the company as if was union company. Company is trying to stay afloat by doing everything at once. Its now a ups shipping center/buy online pick up at store/ everything else. Michaels is Coupon heavy company, everything 50% 60% price match double coupon but they want you to make goal. Over train poor associates into little sales people that only work 4hrs shifts a week..
I believe this company can be amazing if they have the right people in place. Upper management cover themselves from Hr-DM. The CEO should look at the DMs and regional before they do the Store manager blame game. Cant retain associates even if they happy because they are ask alot of them to do in a short shift. Yeah give them peanut butter and jelly with water..jail food they will be happy they will stay.

stocks are down and declining.

⛤Would (Highly Not Recommend) applying at this location. Or any other (Michaels Store) in general. Does not provide the following:
Part time only. No full time available. Very (low minimum wage). No (Health Insurance) or (benefits) of any kind. (Management) plays favoritism over their (employees). No seniority what so ever. Way too much (gossip) and constant (drama). A very (stressful environment). Long hours with (no breaks). No room for (advancement opportunities). Especially at this particular location. (Management) is way too (high strong) and (very demanding). Nothing is ever (promised) or even (guaranteed).
Management plays favoritism over their employees, NO Seniority available, Part time only, Low minimum wage, NO Health Insurance, NO Benefits, NO room for advancement opportunities

You are abused as an employee and company works loopholes to contradict employee handbook. Scheduled days are constantly erased due to "lack of budget" while managers and higher ups get pay raises and longer shifts.

I worked in store 1283 and the manager didnt even give me a two weeks notice. He just let me go, didnt even give me a phone call. He just took me off schedule and waited for me to catch a hint. (Doesn't this sound familiar?)

Broken promises. As a super hard worker who bends over back words for any company I have worked for, this company just took advantage of my niceness. Negative managers who do not respect their higher ups, overall a very negative company to work for. 

Management is awful, training is nonexistent. You are told different ways of doing things from multiple different sources only to get scolded by one of the other managers for not doing it “their” way. You are told off for not answering the phone in 3 rings, regardless if you are with a customer in store. The coupons are a mess and we were told to inspect every coupon for fraud and to call manager every time one was given to us outside the app for verification. Co workers were overall wonderful but management needs to get their stuff together and have a common ground for training. I was also told I could go full time, (which was a lie) they have instead cut back out with no possibility of going full time. 

I think it could be better if the managers and supervisors come to work with a positive and better attitude. Make the employees want to come to work. Us employees feed off thier vibes When its positive. 

this company wants you to work your tail off, literally sweat bullets, for hardly livable pay without benefits for part timers. and no way to get a full time position unless you get lucky when a management position opens up 

Make sure you guys leave a comment here only. No heaux babble allowed. I won't tolerate any trolling from their customers nor their current employees. You will be blocked on spot! 

Image result for kobe bryant soft gif"

Also make sure you guys reshare this. If you guys wish to donate to me, you can do so by either Paypal or CashApp. Any amount will do. I'd really appreciate it. Merci beaucoup for reading this painful blog post.

"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." ~ Mark Twain

P.S. Y'all know I made a Thriller version of this store.

 It was close four pm
When I got a phone call out of the blue
From this heffa
telling she wants me interview
-I try to scream-
Because I was excited for a new job
You start to freeze
Then what the did I just sign up for
You lied to me you slore

'Cause this is thriller, thriller night

Work your behind off for a measly three hours girl
You know it's thriller, thriller night
You won't survive inside this killer thriller

Oh oh oh

You hear the door slam
And realize there's nowhere left to run
You feel the cold hand
And wonder if you'll ever see the sun

You close your eyes
And hope that this is just imagination
Girl, but all the while
You see these customers creepin' up behind
You're out of time

'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
There ain't no second chance against the thing with four eyes, girl
Thriller, thriller night
You're fighting for your life inside a killer thriller tonight

You get the phone call
When one of these heffas decide not to show up at work
There's no escapin' the managers writing you ever chance they get(they're fake)
This is the end of your job, oh

They're out to get you
There's managers and favorites closing in on every side
They will possess you
Unless you decide to hell with this place
Now is the time
For me to get close to that manager's booty
All through the night
I'll bang you better than any man you've had
I'll make you glad

That it's a thriller, thriller night
'Cause I can save you from these entitled ass customers girl
Thriller, thriller night
So start heading for the door and share a killer, thriller
Chiller, thriller here tonight

'Cause it's a thriller, thriller night
Girl, they will use you like wet toilet paper think twice
Thriller, thriller night
So toss that app in the trash and share a killer, thriller

I'm gonna save you tonight

Darkness falls across the land
As you wait for the clock to strike at hand
You're sweating and crying from all the work
But they're walking around like who gives a fuck
And whoever signs up, head my warning
You won't be getting any better mornings
Must stand and face the hounds of hell
Because these customers won't wish you well

I'm gonna thrill you tonight
Thriller, ohh baby (Thriller)
I'm gonna thrill you tonight (Thriller night)
Thriller, all night, oh baby
I'm gonna thrill you tonight
Thriller, thriller night (oh baby)
I'm gonna thrill you tonight
Thriller, all night (oh baby)
Thriller night (Thriller night)

The foulest stench is in the air
The funk of forty years from upstairs
The cockroaches, glitter and dust
Your coworkers bad attitudes and must
And though you fight to stay alive
Your body starts to shiver
For no mere mortal can resist
Because this store is evil like a thriller

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