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๐ŸšจScam Alert!๐Ÿšจ ⚠Read This Blog Before You Order from Buyee.JP⚠

Hey you guys~ I thought I'd post this video here as a warning to those looking to purchase from a "Japanese" proxy site, to w...

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Tenderness... Tenderness... Where is it?

 Lonely vs Alone • The Teenager Today magazine

Welcome to the September version of this blog. Enter this way...๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‚

9/1 I finally finished my mask! Woohoo! I will be designing more!

I've had people from Instagram and Twitter messaging me about if my store is still open. Of course it's open! I will never, ever close Japanajuku! Click on the banner below! Buy whatever you want and I will ship it as soon as I can(because I'm still working). Even if I'm not active on those accounts, Japanajuku will never! ~Chris Jericho's Voice~ Eeeeeeever!! Close! LOL๐Ÿ˜€

Order up! lol๐Ÿ‘†

9/9 Look at what arrived while I was at work! More ACDCrag baby!! Ordered these the other day and they arrived here fast!

Woohoo! OK I won't order anything else for a while. lol๐Ÿ˜‡

Check out my goodies from Miss Octopie!

"Lovely Candy Heart" Short Sleeve Cut Out Dress

"Be My Valentine" Animal Crossing Short Sleeve Cut Out Dress

"Fashion Monster" Velvet Cut-Out Shirt Dress

"Sylveon Cuties" Sleeveless Skater Dress

"Lovely Candy Heart" Sleeveless Skater Dress

"OctoParty" Sleeveless Skater Dress

"EyeLash" Small Necklace

I discovered this brand from Kurebayashi! These items are soo adorable! Winter will be here and I probably won't be able to wear these dresses. I should get me some long sleeved shirts. I will purchase from them again, just hate waiting weeks for my stuff.

A coworker who is really fascinated by me told me that I'm not as happy as I used to be, my voice used to be higher. I wanted to tell her what's wrong. I have trust issues because I don't really trust my friends. She seems to really like me. I'm not one of those folks who likes making friends because they'll be here today, gone tomorrow because they annoy or bore me. We'll see...

9/11 Rest in peace to everyone who lost their lives on this day years ago. I remember talking to this Black lady from New York who lost her mom in one of the towers. I wish I could remember what she told me because it was meaningful and wanted me to appreciate life. Sadly that was the last time her and I talked.

I received a sample box but it's not worth posting a picture because it looks like crumbs.

9/14 I received this freebie in the mail. 

Onn ink cartridges for Canon printer. I barely use my printer because it's connected to my old PC that I need to upgrade and pass on to my mother. I guess I have to use it now. lol

9/16 Look at what I got??

Seller's Image

And no I didn't get these from Buyee. I went with another service. I bet you've never seen this much bling like this in your life. I'm only selling three items out of it. lol What do you expect? I love Ma*rs!!!!

I got these two outfits. Did you know I was suppose to receive these outfits in that box from a year ago that turned up missing? Glad I was about to find these. I am still looking for that pink and black coat. I won't give up!


Halloween came early for me. lol I normally don't purchase decorations, the last time was years ago for Christmas. Since Halloween is my favorite holiday, I thought I'd finally decorate my room. The thing is, the decorations will probably stay up because my room is boring as hell with a lot of stuff in it. lol Purchased 9/15

I spotted these at the store. 

I love Wet N Wild products and can't wait to use these. The glitter gel reminds me of the glitter gel my parents bought for me back in the 90s from Claire's or Icing.



9/21 I've been purchasing hair accessories to keep up with my gyaru style. I want to up my decora style.

9/23 I actually went back to watch American Horror Story: 1984. Because remember last year, I couldn't complete it because I was working then... I have to say that I enjoyed it. I don't really finish watching AHS seasons because I end up burnt out. I really love the music. I've even mentioned a year ago that I loved the 80s synth theme in the intro and outro. I wonder if anyone caught that this was a homage to the actually story of Friday the 13th which I read late last year via comics online. I thought that was pretty rad.



9/28- I went shopping at Party City. I bought some items for both decades, along with a Captain Marvel mask.

Also remember I purchased that 80s wall decorating kit? If not, click here for this throwback!

Edit- I am returning the wig.

I am contemplating leaving Instagram for good. Ever since I've placed my page back on public, it seems like no one, and I mean no one, sees my latest posts. Currently, my highest liked recent photo is a photo of Richard Ramirez which was a dig at that weirdo. I've been posting new photos before and after it, and receive little to no likes at all. I used to get a lot of likes. It seems like the algorithm on that site isn't the same, and I'm wasting my time. Social media is becoming dead to me now. I don't even use Facebook anymore. I hate that everyone is on this website and not Twitter which is where I'm the most active at.

This is all for now. I feel like this month went by fast. I feel like it was just yesterday of me coming home from work in late August. I will come back to edit the photos and upload them here since I don't have time to. Glad I got my new pc up and running so we'll have those photos up. If you've enjoyed this blog post, feel free to comment, share and submit a donation. Au revoir fiends~